At Welholme Academy, Drama is used as a key tool in developing: 

· Oral skills 

· Vocabulary 

· Building confidence and self-esteem 

· Exploration of characters 

· Making history come alive 

· Developing imagination in order to aid writing 


Drama is used throughout the curriculum and really allows pupils to experience an unfamiliar situation or become a character that is being studied. 

Hot seating, response in role, freeze frame and conscience alley are all used in our Power of Reading lessons, history topics and PSHE Jigsaw scheme. We believe that through drama and role-play- children can imagine a character’s body language, behaviour, tone of voice and thoughts which they can later draw on when they write. 

There are opportunities for all children to take part in year group productions every year which are proudly performed to parents. These can range from plays, sketches, performance poetry, songs and celebrating work.