Geography At Welholme Academy 

In short, we want pupils at Welholme Academy to develop a love of Geography and become inquisitive, motivated, enthusiastic learners with a genuine thirst for knowledge plus a keen interest in the world in which they live, making connections and forming opinions based on findings. We will give them opportunities to broaden both their knowledge base and skills set by covering the requirements of the National Curriculum whilst delivering this via topic-based enquiry learning which will capture the pupils’ interest and make learning relevant, plus current. Curriculum links will made with other subject areas such as Science, Maths, History, Art, English and PE (when appropriate) to make learning cohesive. The following key headings are taken from the National Curriculum: 

· Locational knowledge; 

· Place knowledge; 

· Human and physical geography; 


· Geographical skills plus fieldwork. 

Pupils within each year group will focus upon these and aspects that have been identified within the broad headings, ensuring that whilst learning is progressive, there is ample opportunity to recap knowledge and skills gained year on year; pupils will therefore have plenty of opportunities to make links between the broad areas listed as well as links between year groups, constantly building upon previous knowledge and skills whilst striding forward to pose questions, investigate ideas and learn new geographical information and skills. 

Armed with an ever growing and well retained knowledge and skills base, our pupils will be able to communicate both confidently and effectively in a geographical manner, whether verbally or in a more hands on, practical way, demonstrating what they have learned and more importantly, making themselves understood whilst maintaining clarity and geographical accuracy. 

We aim for our pupils to be equipped with the geographical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 as well as life as an adult in the wider world. We wish for our pupils to have thoroughly enjoyed studying Geography at Welholme Academy, therefore encouraging them to undertake new life experiences and interests both now and in the future. 

By reading our Geography intent, you will learn more about our curriculum.


Geography Policy

Updated: 20/06/2022 131 KB

Geography Coverage Overview

Updated: 03/05/2022 75 KB

Geography Progression

Updated: 30/04/2024 161 KB


For more information regarding our geography curriculum, please talk to your child's class teacher or Mrs. Rabbetts.

Please click here to view the Geography Twitter feed.